Doing Business with F&G

Partnering with F&G includes more than just our great products – we want to ensure you and your clients experience our exceptional service and support, as well! Please review this piece carefully for a helpful introduction to processes, specifically related to your F&G Life Insurance applications.

Completing the PAC Form

Please note only monthly mode premiums are eligible for premium draft.

Setting your clients up on a monthly draft for their life insurance premiums is an easy and efficient way to ensure their monthly payments are made timely and consistently. Please utilize this guide to make sure you correctly complete the PAC Authorization Form with your clients. You are not required to complete the PAC form with the a-App but we strongly recommend it and there are multiple options to allow the client full control over when they are drafted. If you complete the form, you must select one option and include all banking and account information.

Initial Premium Option 1

Draft on approval (most popular option):

When the Draft Will Occur

After Underwriting approves the application, F&G will issue the policy and automatically draft the initial premium.


Reoccurring premium payments will be drafted on the 5th of every month.

Initial Premium Option 2

Draft on approval with specified draft day:

Upon F&G’s approval of my policy, the initial premium will be drafted on the next occurrence of the date specified. My coverage will not be active until the specified date, and this is the day I will be drafted each month subsequently.

When the Draft Will Occur

After Underwriting approves the application, F&G will issue the policy and automatically draft the initial premium on the next occurrence of the draft day selected.


Reoccurring premium payments will be drafted on the 20th of every month.

Initial Premium Option 3

Draft upon my request, after issue

I will contact F&G, either verbally or in writing, to provide authorization to draft the initial premium after I have reviewed the policy with my agent. At that time, a specific draft date can be selected and will be drafted on that same day each month subsequently. Please note: insurance coverage will not begin until authorization has been provided by either the Policy Owner or Agent.

When the Draft Will Occur

F&G will draft the initial premium after you or your agent contacts F&G and provides authorization.


Reoccurring premium payments will be drafted on the 13th of every month.

*You or your agent may request your policy be current dated when you provide the authorization to draft. For the above example, the policy effective date would be updated upon request to 1/28 and reoccurring payments will be drafted on the 28h of every month. This may impact issue age if the requested date crosses over your birthday.

Initial Premium Option 4

Draft future premiums only

I wish to pay the initial premium via personal check, wire transfer, or 1035 exchange proceeds. Premium drafting should be set up to begin the next month and in subsequent months thereafter.

When the Draft Will Occur

The personal check, wire or 1035 funds are applied to the policy as the initial premium payment. Monthly drafting begins the next month.


Initial Premium Option 5

Monthly draft plus additional funds:

I wish to pay the initial premium via personal check, wire transfer, or 1035 exchange proceeds in addition to a monthly initial premium draft. I will be drafted for my first month’s premium, which will be combined with the other funds for my initial premium and regular monthly premiums will be drafted each subsequent month.

When the Draft Will Occur

The monthly initial premium is drafted and applied with the personal check, wire or 1035 funds as the initial premium payment as long as the funds are received prior to issue.
