Add and change the Stationery in Outlook

Stationery provides an easy way to create a visual Outlook template with custom background color and image, fonts, bullets, colors, and effects. Unlike an email message template that includes visual appearance and text, the stationery only consists of visual appearance. The default stationery applies to new emails, replies, and forwards. Thus, if you need an Outlook template for branded messages, you should use the custom stationery instead of the email template.

New Message in Outlook 365

You can create stationery using the Mail options in Outlook Options for all outgoing messages, for replying and forwarding messages. Keep in mind that you can always change the stationery for individual messages.

Customize the Theme or Stationery for all outgoing messages, replies, and forwards

To customize the theme or stationery for all outgoing messages, for replying or forwarding messages, do the following:

1. On the File tab, click Options:

Options in Outlook 365

2. In the Outlook Options dialog box, open the Mail tab.

Note: You can easily open the Mail tab in the Outlook Options dialog box by right-clicking the Mail icon in the Navigation bar and choosing Options. in the popup menu:

Mail Options in new Navigation bar Outlook 365or Mail Options in Navigation bar Outlook 365

3. In the Outlook Options dialog box, on the Mail tab, click the Stationery and Fonts. button:

Stationery and Fonts in Outlook Options 365

4. In the Signatures and Stationery dialog box, on the Personal Stationery tab: