To make signing up for health insurance as easy as possible, gather as much of the below information and documents as you can for everyone in your household who is enrolling. Even if you do not have all of this information now, you can still start the process.
Household Information:
Immigration Documents
Items that show your legal immigration status in the United States can include:
If you have concerns about how health insurance enrollment affects your immigration status, call ActionNYC hotline at 1-800-354-0365 for free, confidential legal assistance.
Also, you can be more prepared by learning about health insurance programs and coverage and commonly used terms. Insurance terms that you should learn include "deductible," "copayment," and "coverage period."
You can get more information and help enrolling by visiting an NYC Department of Health Certified Application Counselor.
You can get more information about any of the below programs, including enrollment help, by visiting an NYC Department of Health Certified Application Counselor.
Medicaid is a health insurance program for individuals, families and children with low income and limited resources. You may be eligible for Medicaid if you:
Enrollment in Medicaid is available year-round.
Child Health Plus
Child Health Plus provides insurance for children ages under 19 years of age who do not qualify for Medicaid and do not have other health insurance coverage. It is available regardless of immigration status. Coverage may be free or low-cost, depending on household size and income.
Enrollment in Child Health Plus is available year-round.
The Essential Plan is a health insurance program for individuals with low income who are not eligible for Medicaid or Child Health Plus. There is no monthly premium for those who qualify.
Enrollment in the Essential Plan is available year-round.
Qualified Health Plans
Qualified Health Plans are private health insurance plans that are available on the NY State of Health Marketplace for individuals with middle or low income who are not eligible for Medicaid. You may be eligible for financial assistance to help pay for one of these plans.
Enrollment for these plans is only available during the annual open enrollment period or during a special enrollment period (November 1 to January 31) or during a special enrollment period (February 1 to October 31). You may be eligible for a special enrollment period if you recently had a change in your family, income or health insurance coverage.