Uniform Commercial Code Lien Filings

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The Uniform Commercial Code Filings database in Public Records contains active and inactive UCC filings from 50 states, D.C. and the Virgin Islands.

UCC Background

Article 9 of the UCC (Uniform Commercial Code) governs the creation, perfection, enforcement and security interest in personal property. This is for lenders to see what other lenders have secured as collateral for a business loan. Normally this is collateral other than real estate.

The following details may be helpful to keep in mind when running UCC filings searches.

UCC Content

There are several different types of UCC Filings types. The Uniform Commercial Code Filings database contains abstracts of the following UCC filings types:

Initial Filing (formerly known as a UCC-1) - this is the original filing which establishes a legal notice to anyone concerned that the secured party has a legally protected interest in the personal property of the debtor. This can also be referred to as the Initial Financing Statement.

Note: While uncommon, if there are multiple debtors a Secured Party may file multiple UCC-1 filings with the same debtors listed. However, each filing will list the debtor in a different order. This has to do with debt collection, as the order in which lenders can collect is determined by the order in which the debtors are listed. So if there are two debtors - Debtor 1 and Debtor 2, a Secured Party may fie one filing with the Debtors listed as Debtor 1 then Debtor 2. In collection, they would seek to collect from Debtor 1 first. The Secured Party may file another filing with the same debtors, but the debtors listed as Debtor 2 then Debtor 1. This way, they can collect from Debtor 2 first in relation to this filing.

UCC Amendment (formerly known as a UCC-3) - these are filed to reflect a change or update to the original filing. The most common examples would be

UCC Coverage

County UCCs - We have historical county level filings for Texas. See the Coverage Link to determine coverage.

Tax Liens -California UCC data can contain "tax liens. These are federal tax liens filed at the CA Secretary of State and included in our UCC update.

INITIAL COOP UCC1 - In some states, a UCC is filed for Co-Ops in order to show a security interest against Cooperative Apartments. These Filings will have INITIAL COOP UCC1 listed as the Filing Type. These UCCs are usually in effect for longer than the standard 5 years but it will vary by state.

UCC Filings Search Tips