Online PDF document translation from English to Hindi

Translate PDF document from English to Hindi for free on any device. No software installation required.

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PDF documents longer than 10,000 characters will not be translated.

PDF documents longer than 10,000 characters will not be translated.

Google Drive *By uploading your files or using our service you agree with our Terms of Service and Privacy Policy Translate individual pages Can I translate scanned PDF?

The application does not include OCR functionality and can only work with PDF documents that contain a textual layer. However, it is possible to automatically remove underlying scanned images below the invisible text layer and show the translated text instead.

Are there any limitations?

This application only works with PDF documents that are no longer than 10,000 characters. Larger files are not processed.

Do you preserve document structure and layout?

The application replaces text in the original document with the translation, accurately preserving document properties, structure, styles, and built-in objects.

Can I translate individual pages?

Yes. Simply select Translate individual pages option and specify page numbers starting with 1. Multiple page numbers are separated by spaces or commas.

Why the font is changed for English-Chinese pair?

Due to the difference between languages, it is technically impossible to preserve the original font. We switch to NSimSun and slightly reduce the font size to keep the readability.

How can I improve conversion?

You can run the resulting document through GroupDocs.Conversion app, which offers a rich selection of conversion options.

What are the system requirements?

The processing is carried out by high-performance GroupDocs Cloud. The application has minimum hardware or operating system requirements - you can use it even on entry-level netbooks and mobile devices with the same speed and quality.